Thursday, January 8, 2009

A NEW UPDATE: Let's get this puppy rolling!

It’s been far too long since we had a blog update, and I think it’s vital we resume using it to keep a log of what we’re doing, where we are at and what needs to be done in order to focus our efforts productively and efficiently. First though, we should catch up with where we are at since the blog last updated.

The website is live and listed on Duotrope. As previously noted, the email address, is also active and full of submissions. Aaron and I have been going through them. With the structure of a school schedule behind us, we’ve gotten back in the swing a little more. Doug, if you get a chance, maybe you could start going through some too. Let one of us know if you no longer remember the password to the account. The rejection letter is also complete and ready to go, and SASEs from last quarter have been sent back to their senders with the new website and email information.

I think for the first issue, we should just cover the submissions we’ve received so far. We should start thinking about more promotion of Nexus on campus and elsewhere however. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

With catch up outta the way, here’s some things that need to be done, besides getting through all the submissions and making our decisions of what to publish:

  • Meet and Discuss things: Aaron wants to get the three of us together to take stock of things and plan our next steps. We’re thinking of doing this when we get together for a Wizard Friends viewing, or some other time we can all meet up. Let’s start planning this.

  • Promotion: We need to start making sure we get the word out around campus, not only about submissions, but about the 1st issue as we get closer to it going live. Fliers would still be a good idea for this. I’ve also put the word out in the writing classes I’m in this quarter. We also should utilize the designated bulletin board space we have in the hall of the Student Union by Judicial Affairs. There’s a lot of space, and it’s all ours. Maureen wanted to help with this, so I’ll show her the space today and we can start brainstorming and discuss it further at the meeting. We should also make sure we will be listed in the 2010 editions of the short story market and poetry market (apparently, we still are in the poetry market).

  • Make sure we establish links to’s Nexus section: I know Aaron was trying to get a hold of the Student Activities webmaster, but apparently she was being elusive last quarter. Maybe this has already been resolved.

  • Determine who will be the Faculty Adviser for Nexus: Erin Flanagan has left us with a list of some possible replacements. Brady Alan has expressed some curiosity about the position as well. I don’t know how we proceed with this, but it’d be good to find somebody. Maybe one of us can talk to Erin about this. (I know Aaron was thinking about meeting with her to discuss stuff.)

  • Figure out how to implement artwork and photography: Aaron and I have been approached about artwork and photography submissions and told people we are not accepting any for the first issue (maybe we should update the site with that info). We should figure out how we can do these in hi-res for best results and how to display them, so we can do so in the 2nd issue.

These are all things we should discuss when we get together. For now though, let’s keep chugging through those submissions!

1 comment:

Maximilian said...

Oh yeah, we should also go through any mail that arrived over break and get SASEs out for those.

Hot cha cha!