Friday, October 17, 2008

Possible Rejection Letter and Notes

You're right, Aaron. Doug shouldn't be the only one burdened with responsibility. I have left a few comments on the blog volunteering to generate content (my specialty) for the new site so we can get that rolling ASAP.

I also generated a potential rejection letter. It's rough and without much personality, but check it out:

Dear contributor,

Thank you for your submission(s) to Nexus. We have decided not to publish your work at this time. In its new format, Nexus is a highly competitive publication and we receive far more submissions than could ever see print. Please feel free to contribute to Nexus in the future. We are always on the lookout for new work.

All the best,

Aaron Larson, Editor

(or The Nexus Editors)

I was going to stuff some SASEs with the new letter talking about online contributions, but I wasn't sure if I should be doing that with things currently separated in piles. Let me know if we want to just send out the SASEs for everything, or if we're going to give the stuff that's already been mailed a chance.

If there's anything else I can do, let me know.


Aaron Larson said...

I like it. I put all our names at the bottom of the e-mail, but I think that whatever goes there will be fine, and the rest of it is fine.

About the SASEs. I'd like the website to be up and running with information on how to send things before we send back the SASEs. I know that they should just go to the e-mail, but it'd be nice to get the new web address out there as well. Just a thought.

Maximilian said...

I agree. It would be better to have the website up and rolling before we mail stuff back. I also think that we should include the URL of the new Nexus site in the letter we send back with the email address for people to submit electronically.