Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gmail Usage

This is how to use the submissions Gmail account. I spent a little bit of time trying to think of the most effective and least confusing way to go through the list of submissions. This is what I've come up with.

First, Gmail doesn't allow multiple folders. It's just one of those things, I guess. It does, however, have labels. One message can have multiple labels, whereas one message cannot be in multiple folders. This is handy.

I created labels with each of our names, as well as "Not Read", "Needs Rejected", and "Rejected". If you look at a piece of mail but don't read what's in it, mark it as "Not Read". If you do read it it, label it with your name. If it sucks out right either reject it right then or label it for rejecting later. If it's good and should be looked at more, just mark your name and let it sit. If two people have read a piece and both think it's good, mark it with the star. Those will be the ones we keep and consider for publication.

That seems to be the easiest way to go about the e-mails. If you have optimization suggestions or ideas, comment.

1 comment:

Aaron Larson said...

The account, btw, is

The password is in the office, not hidden but not obvious.