Thursday, October 16, 2008

Webspace and a hastily put together to-do list

I just filled out and submitted a Fund Request Form for $71.40. This is to pay for 12 months of web hosting to They have a lot of great sounding features, were ranked number one on and generally sound like a good idea. It gives us free space and transfer, a free domain name, and a free e-mail client. When I tried to leave the register page, it offered me a 20% discount, so I should be able to knock the actual price down to 50-odd dollars. The domain will be

Anyway, I should know soon if the funds have been approved and then we'll be able to get this train moving. This sexy, sexy train.

This also means that there's no more time to put things off. I'm going to get PhotoShop, DreamWeaver, and a FTP client this weekend and hopefully put them on the computer in the Nexus office. Doug shouldn't be the one burdened with responsability. We still need a contract, to be on and various other like-minded sites, to be in the short story/poem market books, and to tweek the website so that it'll be a good virtual representation of the journal. So there's all that. Totally within our grasp.

1 comment:

Maximilian said...

I have photoshop at home and I can hook up an FTP client and DreamWeaver over the weekend.

Doug, I'd be happy to help out with website stuff, if only to generate content. Maybe you could email your design out and I can start coming up with text for the various sections to be approved by you guys later.

I'd also like to work with Doug on the website so I'll know how to use DreamWeaver after he leaves and we can update the site easily.